Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lazy Days spent at the beach...

The day after New Year’s, I decided we should have a lazy day just hanging out at the beach. We (again I mean me) drove to Uvongo beach and then lazed on the beach. Not much more to say about that…just sun, surf and good times…
The Beach

I was ready to indulge in some more dipped ice cream and told the others we should definitely make a stop at the store before moving to our next place…


Later we headed to the shops and buy some fruit packed lunch, then headed to a friend’s pool, where we lazed around some more and soaked up a little more sun.

Yeah for swimming pools...and best friends!

Again, another surreal experience of sitting on a beach the day after new year’s… In Wisconsin we have what we call ‘Polar Bearing’, it is an event on the first day of every new year where people go down to Lake Michigan and they all jump into the water. This doesn’t sound all that crazy, but remember that the Lake completely freezes over and they have to chop a hole into 12 inch (30.5 cm) thick ice in order for everyone to even be able to get to the water. The water at a balmy 36 F (2 C) is actually normally quiet a bit warmer than the air temperature… needless to say, New Year’s Eve was a bit of a change for me J

Tamara and I chilling

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