Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new point in our relationship…

After we reached a slow part of the Umzimkulu river we were instructed that we could jump ship (or raft) if we so desired. Tyler and I were ampt, the other two needed convincing. A few pleas and finally we were all floating down the river happily in the cocktail in position (floating on your back, knees slightly bent and feet facing down the river.) We decided to hold hands so we ensured we faced down the river while we were floating.  I then announced that I needed to pee (another one…sorry) Tyler who was holding my one hand looked unsure, so I looked to Tamara and Rebecca on my other side for confirmation, they smiled as if totally unfazed by my announcement. Then suddenly Tyler looked at me and asked “did you just pee WHILE you were holding my hand?!” Guilty as charged… Apparently that is inappropriate etittique while floating down the river…holding hands, with your boyfriend. (Friends and sisters don’t mind though)

There was a rapid in which we were told to jump inside the raft. After the first false start Tyler and I decided on a method to carefully launch ourselves into the boat while minimizing amount of possible injuries. Of course when it came to crunch time Tyler launched himself into the boat but didn’t put up the oar divider which was meant to help us not crash…so I ended up hitting my head on his knee.

The last rapid was a big one and after being totally convinced that I was the only one getting soaked with every rapid we went through. I decided payback was in order, and once Rebecca announced look at my dry patches, I knew I had to do something (but what…hmmm). Last rapid and I ended up with a large mouthful of water, I turned and wet the last remaining dry patch on her leg, she was a little less impressed than me…but we all laughed! Also while going over the last rapid we had decided to focus and be serious, suddenly Tamara burst into laughter and declared that she was thinking about Rebecca jumping inside the raft without being told too…

I don’t know if the moral of the story is that friends and sisters don’t mind if you pee while holding their hand. I think the moral of the story is that my girlfriend, her best friend, and her sister are weird. Some ::cough:: Robyn ::cough:: would call this ‘a new point in our relationship’ … others, would call this something we should never speak about again… but yet, we sit here blogging about it… awkward. (You don’t like holding my hand baby?)

More of Oribi Gorge

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