Friday, January 6, 2012

Memorable Moment…

While teaching Tyler how to play Punch Buggy…
Rebecca: “Punch Buggy” *punches Tyler*
Tyler: “What the heck was that for?”
Rebecca: “Don’t you play that game?”
Tyler: “No! I’m from freaking Wisconsin; we don’t have freaking Beach Buggies!”

I was laughing so hard! But after what was probably the 5th assault on my boyfriend, I declared “my” car a no punch buggy car! They were acting like children, and someone had to be the parent!

::sigh:: one last memory… so the game punch buggy is a game that is apparently played by the younger generation in South Africa (news to me), but when you see a beach buggy somewhere, you are supposed to punch someone around you after loudly shouting the words “PUNCH BUGGY!” … so you can imagine how this, being as I am from somewhere that I don’t even think has beach buggies, would come as quiet a surprise. Given our climate we don’t delve much into this beach buggy business, which in turn means no punch buggy either… That being said, I think Rebecca learned her lesson after I caught on with how to play.

So… I believe this brings an end to my blogging guest appearance L… this was a lot of fun, hopefully you all enjoyed my perspectives, and who knows… maybe my girlfriend will decide to love me and let me come back and provide more commentary again sometime! Hope everyone is well, and hope to hear from or see you all soon!

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