Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reaching the USA…

The rest of the trip was pretty much just sleep, eat, watch movies and try it all again. There were a few things I noticed on my long voyage…

Namely, an airhostess will arrive the moment you fall asleep. True story! And since the only come around every so often, it’s almost worth waking up each time for.

Another thing, I would highly advise that the airline companies should reconsider putting touch screens on the seat in front of you. It’s all very well when you would like to change the channel occasionally. However, when you have someone sitting behind you that is convinced they need to push so hard on the screen that it feels as though they are pushing buttons in your skull!

I think airline companies should think about serving meals in circular bowls too. The square dishes get really boring after a while. (Just saying)

A big pointer to airlines… I feel like they could at least make the blankets “warmth size”. You know, big enough to actually cover your toes as well as your shoulders…

Lastly, people who clap when the plane lands…is kind of annoying. It’s the pilot’s job. I mean every time I do my job correctly I don’t have people clapping for me, I don’t know…maybe I’m just jealous…

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