Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Leaving home…again…

After saying goodbye to Rayson, Jean and I drove home, where we both went back to bed. For a few hours at least. Then we went on a last day shopping spree, making sure I would be fully equip with SA gifts and treats before I left.

Then we headed home where I showered in preparation of my long day ahead…

Once at the airport I saw down and had lunch with my fantastic family, but I couldn’t help thinking how it felt like the “last Supper.” It weird how different the feeling is now than it was the first time I went. The first time was filled with anticipation of the unknown, excitement for the future and a few nerves for the long flight. This time I was filled with dread at the prospect of sitting for so long, enthusiasm for the next school semester and my future plans and lastly I felt like I needed to absorb each moment as I know I will re-run these in my heads for days to come.

Once through the boarding gates and after many hugs and kisses, I was off…

The Durban to Johannesburg was relatively short and uneventful. And I didn’t even cry!

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