Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year’s Eve…together…in the rain…

The day started with a little shopping as Rebecca had work, so we figured we would head to the center and pick her up when she was done. Of course the centers were both pretty packed as it had started to rain and the beaches aren’t much fun in the rain.

On a Steers napkin

Tamara managed to find a few gifts for her family and friends. I also made them try some Steers (mainly cos I had missed it so much!)

Shopping Buddies

Tonight is New Years and we are heading to Southbroom beach to celebrate with the masses. Us girls were doing a quick-ish Hunters Dry promotion which meant walking through the crowd making sure people were drinking Hunters. This also meant that we were able to stand in our own secluded section and had unlimited Hunters (and water) supplies at our ready. Not too bad!

Promoting...not drinking :)

Ahh New Year’s Eve… Normally the American New Year’s Eve is spent somewhere indoors, so putting on a pair of shorts, flip-flops and a t-shirt to go out on New Year’s Eve was strange to say the least.  I got to join the party a little later as the ladies had to go earlier to work, after joining them for a little bit I was assigned to checking ID’s for those entering the party… let me just say, that was fun. Having a bunch of 16 or 17 year old South African kids trying to bribe me with money to enter the party… not going to happen J … After we got done with ‘work’ the ladies headed off to do the hunters promotion at which point left me alone with my own private stash of Hunter’s Dry… life is hard right? … Once the girls returned we had a fun evening of dancing and partying ‘backstage’ with all the other acts that performed that night, which was nice as the party was packed and it would have been stuffy being stuffed in with everyone else.

Fun times!!!

The bathroom situation was a little bad. They were pretty far away from us and the party was under cover, however the walk to the bathroom was not. This prompted Tamara, Rebecca and I to go the other direction and squat a pee in the bushes closest to us, inaccessible to the general public. I came away with two injuries, banana plant thorns in my hand and foot :/ Other than that the night was amazing, as was kissing my boyfriend at 11:59:59pm on 31/12/2011, to welcome in 2012!

Dirty feet after our adventure...

And one of my injuries

Little did I know that I went to go get another round of drinks to everyone, and as I was paying the bartender I heard the crowd start chanting “10…9…8” … apparently I was the only guy at the party that didn’t realize that New Years was so close… Luckily enough I have a ninja girlfriend and just as the crowd reached “2…1…” she had tracked me down and was standing right behind me as promised with an amazing kiss… lucky guy. 

I think I'm the lucky one

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