Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Touring a village…that changes your perspective…

Tamara, Tyler and I are packed in a small car, with our guide called Mandla, heading to the village he grew up in.  We went through little huts, meeting the locals. We drove around the village taking amazing pictures of women happily washing clothing on the side of the road. It was a humbling experience to see those that live with next to nothing, yet they are happy than so many “privileged” people.

In a hut

We had lunch at Lake Eland, where we later took a drive to the big suspension bridge. Another great view, another mini heart attack moment. There is this extra viewing point where you can stand out and you feel like you are standing at the bow of the Titanic. While that’s how I picture it anyway…haha.

I walked away from the Zulu village tour with three different feelings, first was incredibly blessed to have the things and opportunities I have in my life, second was extremely impressed at how happy and positive the people in the village were, it was incredible and really makes you think about how you live your life. Third was really confused how some of these huts had satellite dishes, tile floors and were essentially pimped out… they stand out a little bit when the rest of the village is lucky to even have a cement floor so they don’t have to sleep in the dirt. 

Part of the Village


Women singing while doing the laundry

Cute kid!

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