Wednesday, January 11, 2012

“Home” again…

It’s a weird feeling to leave home, and return to somewhere that has become your home. I was really glad to arrive at Milwaukee Airport, after a long travel time it’s good to know where you are.

On the way home

Once Dave picked me up from the airport and took me home, I felt excited! I knew sleep was close. I asked if I could pick up the boys since I had really missed them!

I arrived ‘home’ I was ready for some rest before picking up Braden and Finn. I drove with Bucktail (Amanda’s dad) but he waited in the car when I went into their school. I walked in and Braden saw me straight away, he ran up to me and said “Ra-ra!” It was an amazing feeling! Later Finn saw me, but he played it cool and just smiled at me.

The boys at North Star

That night we went out for dinner, and after an early night I was ready to go back to bed!

AJ reading at North Star

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