Friday, January 20, 2012

Kids say the sweetest things…

Kids really know how to make you feel special…especially these kids!

Reading Curious George while holding Curious George

I was about go out with Tyler one night and as I was about to walk out the door, Braden asked “Rara where you going?” I told him I was going out with Tyler and he responded, “You coming back?” When I told him I would be back soon he replied, “Oh, like when you went to Aprica?” (No, I didn’t spell Africa wrong, that’s what it sounds like when Braden says it…)

Braden (the baseball player)

Annabel, after finding out one of her friend’s babysitting was leaving said to me, “Rara please don’t leave again.” I said to her I would have to leave one day. She said “well you can leave when I go to college.” I just laughed and she said “well, then I will come visit you on weekends…that’s how college works.”

AJ snow jumping

Finn and Braden were sent $5 for Valentine’s Day, from their grandparents. Braden saw the money and said “I’m going to have fun. Bye.” Finn on the other hand said “A million dollars!!! Here’s mommy you can have it…” How cute is that?

Finn is convinced this is Curious George's dad (it's a monkey that Tyler brought me)
Braden was eating breakfast the other day and as Amanda walked into the room, wearing a dress for work he exclaimed "oh mommy! You look like a princess!" Totally cute!

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