Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mommy’s turning…um…never mind…age it just a number…

Once my mommy returned home from work we had a birthday celebration. Included in this were Tyler and Rebecca’s muffins from their bake-off, although I am still not sure who won. I am fairly convinced that the bake-off was just an excuse to bake yummy treats…I’m not complaining though.

Mommy and her presents

Then we headed out to Margate Beach as a big “extended” family. Tyler and Tamara were fairly interested in the idea that people are “allowed” to sit in the back of an open bakkie. I made sure on their last night in Margate that they got to ride in the back of an open bakkie. “Like real Africans” as Tamara remarked. Tyler sat like King Pin, with his blue sunglasses. Tamara sat like the queen of England, waving at everybody and shouting “Shongololo” as if was a greeting.

'Queen' Tamara

Tyler managed to buy the last of his Christmas gifts while at Mardi Gras. Tamara got all hers too (and a pair of sunglasses. My mom was adorned with a birthday sash (courtesy of Tyler). The rest of us were content with mini dougnuts and flavoured mielies.

Tamara and I (and our flags)

My wonderful family

Then we had to set off for Durban, where Tyler made the mistake of admitting that he thought Tamara was “pretty cool.” Not only did he regret it, but so did I…cos that’s pretty much all I heard for the rest of the Durban bound trip. She later admitted he wasn’t so back…by this stage I was ready to puke *LOL* I was actually just glad that my boyfriend and best friend got along so well. Success!

Big Hugs

My sister and my mommy

Pretty sure I won the muffin bake-off… there was never an official judge, but I officially declare myself winner, because I can.

As for the rest of the night, it was a really fun relaxed night. The Margate Mardi Gras was really cool, I wish we had something like that here in the States; it was a lot of fun to walk around and see all the different things.  It was a lot of fun to take part in the ‘birthday’ festivities, I even got to pick out my own personalized birthday gift (I realized the day before while epically failing to try to fix the weed whacker that Sue’s (Robyn’s Mom) garden hoe was broke)… so while in the store I noticed a section with gardening tools and picked one up… which I am convinced everyone thought my gift was stupid, but I think it turned out alright J

As with this being my last night in Margate before returning home it was really sad to leave, the Nagel family was so great to me, and I had such a great time that I really didn’t want to leave, the area was incredible beautiful, and the people were 10x better than that. I will truly miss those three, from Richard‘s (Robyn’s step dad) amazing cooking and witty humor, my late night chats with Sue on the back porch, to Rebecca my 30 seconds teammate! Thanks guys, I definitely will never forget you guys!

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