Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello to old friends…and a new *little* one…

Saturday morning was my day to see some people I had not managed to see in the time I had spent in SA. I started at Shelly center visiting my friend Chris, who was off for the day…major planning fail! Then I drove to Southbroom where I visited my dear friend Lucy in her new salon. I worked for her before I came over to the States. Then I headed home where my aunt and uncle (and their 4 boys) were waiting. It was really great to see them after soooo long. Of course the boys have grown so much that I started to feel old. Yes, I even had one or two 
I remember when you were this high…” moments, which I desperately tried to suppress. Later Lucy, her husband Ben and daughter Claire joined the group. I have only seen pictures of Claire but never met her officially…so it was great to see her baba, as well as see her in “mommy mode.” You have to have met Lucy pre-baby to understand how much of a change this is. She refused to ever kids, while Ben was one step away from stealing kids in shopping malls (just kidding!!! But he definitely was ready for kids) But now with her baby she seems so happy and content…kids will do that to you I guess…

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