Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Visa prepping and the hassles I faced…

After checking and re-checking (I am extremely organized, and everything I have is colour coded) all my visa documents I suddenly realized I had forgotten to take a visa picture. Are you kidding me?! It’s now close to 12am and my visa interview is at 8.30 in the morning…hmmm…

Being a way too stubborn South African girl, I decided to accept the challenge. (Ever heard a Boer maak a plan? ...) I ran into the bathroom put on a full face of make-up, and brushed my hair. Tyler saw me and had an extremely confused look on his face that seemed to question my sanity. Then I grabbed my camera and a white sheet. I hung the white sheet up and gave Tyler specific instructions on what to do. (He was still giving me *that* look.) I primped and posed then checked his handy work and once I was satisfied I downloaded the picture cropped it to specific dimensions and finally printed it out…Viola! Visa picture done, sleep time now!

Confusion doesn’t completely cover what I was feeling at this moment. It is midnight, your girlfriend just told you that it is time for bed because she has to be awake early (which at this point in the trip terrified me, if you don’t get why see previous blog entries about waking up), and after you head upstairs for bed you find her in your bathroom putting on makeup and brushing her hair looking like she is getting ready for a beauty pageant. I should have known better than to ask questions; however curiosity got the best of me, after learning what was at the root of this I asked the typical man question, “Why do you need to do your makeup and hair for a visa photo? It’s not like your auditioning for modeling” to which I received the typical woman response, “ugh, you don’t get it… your such a man” this is the point I knew to just stop asking questions or I would end up further confused. That being said, there may be a bit of revisionist history going on here, while I was thoroughly impressed with her creativity and resourcefulness, she made the process sound significantly easier and quicker than it actually felt.

Early morning wakeup call (this is becoming way too common) for my visa interview. I headed to the Embassy and waited to be called. I was really nervous (I am re-applying for my student visa, to continue studying business management at MATC.) Once I walked up to the interview window, I was ready! The interviewer was more interested in what I thought of Milwaukee than anything else…visa status approved!

Then while waiting for my dad I decided to go to the restroom. I was busy on the phone and I never noticed the bathroom was one you had to pay for. This means it has a glass door separating you from the bathroom. Yip, you guessed it…I walked *SmacK!* into the door, I immediately checked to see if anyone had noticed the embarrassing moment. I then retrieved the 2 bucks and entered then bathroom, rubbing the huge red mark on my knee. The lady cleaning the bathroom turned to me and asked “were you trying to knock on the door?” I just muttered “kind of” and then walked into a stall…UGH!

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