Saturday, December 3, 2011

We are *clap clap* Marquette…

As I am sure I have mentioned numerous times before, Tyler is an avid Marquette fan. Since I was the reason Tyler missed the first game of the season (while we were in Ohio) I agreed to attend the big game against UW Madison (a rival Wisconsin college.) 

Split fans

I am so glad I went as the game was intense! No details from this side, as I have no idea how to even begin to describe the magic that is Marquette (which basically means I have no idea what really went down, other than at the buzzer, Marquette was up.)

MU bringing it

Blue and Yellow in support of MU

After the game we walked out to the bus stop (which was to take us to our car which was parked pretty far away) we saw, wait what was that’s dude’s name? Oh … Wesley Matthews. He is kind of a big deal, so Tyler and Kevin were super excited and I played camera women and immortalized this great moment in history…for the boys. I of course would not have even recognized him, if I had actually even noticed him and had not been staring at the pretty lights…which is exactly what I was doing…

The boys and Matthews

See? Aren't these lights really pretty?! (And they even changed colour!)

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