Tuesday, December 20, 2011

End of an era…

This morning started with saying goodbye to Braden and Finn. Braden asked if he could come to South Africa with me, and Finn asked if I was going home to see to mom, dad, brothers and sisters. As they walked out the door, with their little animal backpacks, I had a small lump in my throat and I had to choke back a tear or two.

I headed out the door soon after that, as I had another friend I had to meet up with. After tea and chat up with Leann (or maybe it was juice) I headed to the mall for the last few items I needed. Then I realized Annabel was about to leave for school and if I didn’t make it home soon, I would miss my goodbye hug. I rushed in the door, got a bunch of squeezes and Amanda and her headed out the door.

Annabel and I on "early Christmas"

This meant now I was alone, in this big house, in my empty room, with all my thoughts and my fully packed bags.  And now I have to wait…for the minutes to tick by…

Opening a few presents

Amanda arrived back home, closely followed by Dave and then I knew I had my final goodbyes, and a plane to catch. I hugged Amanda and jumped in the car, I hate long drawn out goodbyes so I wanted to avoid it. Once at the airport I checked in my bags (which were slightly overweight, so I shifted an item or two into my hand baggage. So either way it’s coming on the plane with me) said farewell to Dave and headed to my boarding gate, with a heavy heart. I guess I’m not sure how to feel, I am so excited to see my family, but if I don’t get my visa it means I have to leave this life behind forever.

Cutest. Kids. Ever!

These were the thoughts I was having as my plane took off from Milwaukee. Rain drops were racing down the window, and soon I realize tears were racing down my cheeks too. Torn between two worlds and caught up in emotions, is difficult to experience when you are in such a public setting, but I wasn’t thinking about that at the time.

Recap 2009: One of my first views of America

My last thought when I flew out of New York, was a montage of arriving in New York, my first look at America, and all my firsts since then…Good bye New York and good bye America…

Recap 2009: This was my first real look at America!

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