Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Stockings!!!...

It’s 5.30am on Christmas morning and I am awake…why?! Oh wait….cos it’s Christmas!!! Tyler on the other hand is fast asleep. Hmmm, so I bounce the bed a little hoping this encourages him to wake and be as excited as me. Unfortunately this is not the result I get; instead he rolls over and lets out what can only be described as a groan. Plan B, I run downstairs to make us both a cup of tea, hoping this works better than my last attempt. Unfortunately this plan is flawed too as the most this gets is a “Babe, its 6am, what are you doing?” I proudly announced “I know, but it’s Christmas!” I decided to go downstairs again to see what life has risen for this occasion…none! Just then I notice Roïc is up. He turns to me and asks why nobody else is anybody awake. We then sat in near silence hoping any moment or noise was another person to join the wait, or possibly the end of the wait. By 7am both of us made a plan to wake the remaining household. I would get Tyler if he got Riley and David up. Finally it’s about 7.15 and now the lounge is filled with half-sleeping bodies and now it’s time for Christmas stockings. These are always filled with awesome chocolates and special little gifts. Once we managed to fit everything in car we headed off to Margate to spend the rest of Christmas with my mom…let the drive begin!

The two sleepy heads!

Let me first reference everyone up a couple posts earlier to the entry titled, “Where did the day go…?”… (Ignore this very logical reasoning) Notice my lovely girlfriend woke at 1 PM her first afternoon… and she wonders why I groaned at a 5:30AM wakeup call after only five and a half hours of sleep after almost 40 hours of travel… That being said at my repeat 7 AM wakeup call I am not sure I was much more awake. 

Spongebob buddies...Lindsay and I

I certainly am happy I woke up as I not only got greeted by sunshine and warmth as opposed to grayness and cold… AND… my very own stocking!! Again another amazing gesture, I think the most touching part was that nobody needed to do anything, I was completely content experiencing another country and just being blessed to enjoy my first Christmas with my girlfriend and HER family, that meant more to me than anything else, but everyone was sweet enough to take me in as if they had known me forever.

Playing with our new presents

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