Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes…again…

Tyler, Tamara and I headed to Angel’s Way where my mom, Richard and Rebecca were waiting for us. We had planned a day of skydiving, Tamara and my second jump (we jumped together in Milwaukee) but a first for Rebecca and Tyler.
Oh the faces my boyfriend pulls...

After we suited up, which took a while as we had to try find colours that everyone was happy with as well as suits that fitted everyone? Then we were paired with instructors, watch the movie and lastly we headed out the doors. Not of the airplane, but of the hangar. We climbed on the back of the tractor trailer, which drove us to the waiting airplane. We had decided on the following order for the jump…Tyler, Rebecca, Me and Tamara. We had to load in to the aircraft in that order reversed. Tyler was the last sardine in what seemed to be an overfilled can, but we somehow managed to squish in.

Squished in!

The beautiful run way

3, 2, 1 and take off…flying up high amongst the clouds is such an incredible feeling. I love staring out the window and looking at all the expanse that lies beneath me. Finally once we had reached the correct altitude they opened the door, I think Tyler got a little freaked out at this point, as he was the one squished right next to it. When the time to jump came all of us were ready to throw ourselves out of a flying plane…seems crazy! But the rush you get from that jump (or fall) gives you most amazing rush, and then you pull the shoot and canopy down and you get to feel what the birds must feel as they soar through the skies.

Rebecca and I "practicing" our style

It is a most amazing feeling ever. Experiencing it with my best friend, boyfriend AND sister, just made my second jump even better than my first! After we reached the ground (Rebecca and I having successful standing landings…unlike the other two) we were famished and quickly ordered toasted sandwiches.

Once we landed!

Glad we survived

I think skydiving alone would have been an experience that I could never forget, however skydiving in a foreign nation is something that just enhanced the experience. As I had mentioned earlier I was blown away by the landscape of South Africa, luckily this experience gave me a bird’s eye view of the land and it was absolutely breath taking. The jump was incredible, I cannot say the same for the parachute opening as that made the situation a little bit uncomfortable (gentlemen can relate to my plight at this moment), however the view was spectacular. 

(Rebecca?) in the air

Later we all packed into the teeny tiny car while my parents packed into the “Minnie Mouse” car and we made our way to the nearest shop. We basically all ran around like kids taking pictures and finding items to buy. No, I am not embarrassed as no one in Easton knows me.

Tamara and I in the shop

We then joined the instructors for a braai and a few drinks before heading to our cottage, for a good night’s sleep.

Braai time

As fun as the skydiving was, the evening was just as fun. Being able to enjoy another braai on a cool South African night with a few drinks was the perfect ending to an amazing day. 

Chilling at the braai

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