Thursday, December 22, 2011

King Shaka International…

When I left South Africa 2 ½ years I flew out of Durban International Airport, which has since been replaced by King Shaka International airport (for the 2010 Soccer World Cup.) So I flew into the new airport which made me feel like I was flying into a new city completely. I collected ALL my luggage which I’m convinced takes 10 times longer to reach the conveyor belt if you are really excited, I guess it’s the universes way of teaching me patience.

King Shaka International Airport (google image)

Once I had loaded my luggage onto a bag cart I made my way to the exit. I saw 4 smiling faces and a wave of happiness washed over me as I realized how amazing that feeling of coming home is. I’m not talking about coming back after a mini vacation, I’m talking about coming home to the place that knows you best, after exploring a whole new world by yourself. My dad was pretty much the same as always. Jean is looking lovely after everything she has gone through in the past year, it’s so nice to see her looking radiant. Roïc has definitely grown a few cm’s, but is still and will always be…my little bro. It’s Riley that has the most impact on me, she has grown tall (she’s now 14 and my height) and slender, the typical dancer’s body. She is so fresh faced and cute that I’m instantly proud of her.

On the way to King Shaka International Airport (google image)

While I cannot speak to the previous state of the old Durban International Airport, I can say that the new King Shaka International Airport is world class. I have traveled to quite a few American airports and a select few international airports and I can say that it far surpassed many of those airports in quality. It was extremely clean and very easy to navigate. First impression of South Africa receives an A+.

Apparently this is my boyfriend's way of sucking my country. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I told him there would be lions waiting at the airport for him...

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