Saturday, July 28, 2012

Walking in Memphis…

Our morning in Memphis started with a drive to see Mud Island, which is a man made, walk-able garden which shows the Mississippi river and the river beds that make up the landscape. Kids are able to play in the smaller scale river and many were wading around with parents. The water was cool and the cooling effect was welcome since Memphis was a hot 35C (or 95C.)

At Mud Island


Showing the water table
On our drive down town to find the Memphis trolley, we saw ‘The pyramid” which is a no longer popular sports arena, but still looks pretty cool.

The pyramid
On the trolley we meet a lot of very interesting people. One who was from Milwaukee, who then proceeded to beg for money, one air-hostess-in-training who tried to convince us that Charleston, South Carolina was the best place ever, since “they have cobble stone streets, you know.”

On the street car
After the downtown trip we adventured out to Graceland to see a legends house. As interesting as it was I would say the people that care the most about Elvis’ legend are the people cashing in on that place – it’s crazy! You pay $36, just for the basic tour, which is a walk around the property where he lived. The VIP package costs as much as 70 bucks, and that’s not even including the souvenir stores that are begging to take your money and the classic “You're at Graceland” picture.

At Graceland (we got someone else to take this...and didn't buy their's)
This is also where my camera decided to take a mental break. This made me sad. So, many great Graceland snaps were missed, but there was the back of Tyler’s iPhone (not as good, but apparently more reliable than my lovely, fancy camera.) I will post a few pics below, because Elvis had some CRAZY tastes!
Now, on to Jackson, Mississippi…

Mud Island was very cool, I enjoyed that a lot, even through the heat. The trolley was fairly unimpressive for me as it took us through some not so great neighborhoods with some shady people on the trolley with us. As for Graceland this was the second time that I have been through it in my life as my dad took me when I was very little, however not much has changed, it is a very outdated home, and they charge you A LOT of money to go through… I would recommend just looking up photos online, you will get the gist and save A LOT of money. 

Elvis' House

Tv/gaming room

Look at the ceiling and walls...that is FABRIC!!!

Sitting area

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