Thursday, July 26, 2012

State number one…

Our first stretch of driving was spent driving through Indiana, then into Kentucky where we stayed in Louisville. This is our second visit to Louisville, but we missed a few things on our first trip.
We also started putting up a list (on Facebook) of the five things we were thankful for each day. Below is our one for day one…

Our 5 things we are thankful for today…

1)      Grilled cheese toasted sandwiches that weren't burnt (the first time I ever made Tyler Grilled cheese…I burnt it)
2)      French vanilla cappuccinos (Tyler’s favourite)
3)      Extra space in the car (Oh wait, I forgot to mention the car trouble…story coming next)
4)      Sirius xm radio (with like a bazillion channels)
5)      A beautiful sunset (see below)


The first part of the trip was probably the 2nd worst part, like Robyn mentioned we left after work, and we had already been here, that meant that there was nothing new, and we had both already put in our days worth of work before starting. It was supposed to be a seven hour drive, until we hit construction that made it closer to eight, not to mention the absolute downpour in Milwaukee that I packed the car in… it would figure that Milwaukee is in the middle of its worst drought in 50 years and the one time I need to be outside it decided to stop. Not a great way to start the trip.

Lovely views

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