Thursday, July 26, 2012

TRAVEL TIPS . . . About Packing…

I have decided to compile a list of travel tips for those of you inspired enough by my travels to travel yourself. Some of them are my own some for them I have edited but I got them from and

To save space in your luggage, use a large plastic water bottle to store all of your toiletries. It will prevent any of the toiletries from spilling in your luggage and you will have a great water bottle during your stay. (This can only be in your checked luggage though.) For hand luggage use zip lock bags.

Stick a travel-size pack of baby wipes into your purse or carry-on. You can use the wipes to kill germs in public restrooms and phone booths. They even make great on-the-go stain removers, make-up removers and are great to clean your hands with!

Traveling with kids? Before departing, you could create a booklet on your computer with pages that your kids can fill out. For example, one page could say "tasty new foods I tried". Another could be "fun new candy" or "foreign words". You kids will have a ball trying to fill out their personal travel survey!

When packing, place a fabric softener sheet in your suitcase. This will absorb smells and keep fabric fresh. It will help save on doing more laundry than necessary! Another easy way to keep your clothes smelling clean throughout the trip is to pack a travel size bottle of Febreze (air freshener).

If you roll several garments together while packing them they will take up less space, and help prevent wrinkles.

Sick of getting everything in your backpack or shoulder bag wet because of your umbrella? Store it in a plastic bag. This will prevent everything from getting wet and providing you with dry items.

Always have a backpack as carry-on luggage, since these are perfect for day trips, overnight stays and bus tours…and they are light weight!

Place a fabric softener sheet in your suitcase when packing. It will absorb odors and dampness and keep clothing fresh. It is most beneficial in warm, humid climates and while at sea.

Trying to remember everything you have to do and pack before leaving for a vacation can be stressful. Grab a pack of index cards and make a packing list for different types of vacations and trips you might take. This could include cruises, day-trips to the beach or a cottage, bike trips, and longer vacations. You can also make a card for things you need to do before you leave, such as water the plants, go to the bank, or turn down the air conditioning. Knowing that you have everything taken care of before your trip puts your mind at ease!

Travel Light: Put every single thing you need for your trip on your bed. Now put half of it away and pack the other half for your trip. This way, you will have no trouble in carrying around your suitcase and have plenty of room for souvenirs.

To ensure you never leave a charger for a phone or camera behind at your house or a hotel, wrap the cord around your suitcase or purse handle and there is no chance you will leave it behind.

Trying to keep dirty shoes from making the rest of your suitcase a mess can be difficult when traveling from place to place on vacation. The shower caps in hotel rooms can be easily converted into great shoe covers! Simply slip a cap over each shoe, and you won't have to worry about a mess in your suitcase.

Spills happen, and no one wants to have to pay a hotel to take care of their dry cleaning. Try bringing along an instant stain remover stick on your next vacation. They work great for getting out all types of stains and some are even available in a mini size that can be easily thrown into a travel bag or purse.

Instead of packing all of your clothes in plastic bags, try lining your suitcase with tissue paper. This keeps your clothes from wrinkling in your suitcase - and after you unpack, you can line the drawers of the dresser in your hotel room.

Cramped bathrooms in hotel rooms and on cruise ships often won't have enough towel bars or counter space for all your products. A quick remedy is to toss a quick-release suction cup with a hook into your suitcase. This attaches easily to bathroom tile and can hang extra towels or toiletry cases, most up to 15 pounds!

It can be difficult to do quick mental calculations when you buy something in foreign country. Next time you travel, print out a currency-conversion sheet from  All it takes is quick glance at the sheet and you know exactly how much you are spending!

Packing light can be difficult, but it is also important to do when traveling for an extended amount of time. Try picking out two to three colors to mix and match. That way you can pack fewer shoes and save space. You can also pack different accessories like scarves, jewelry, and ties to mix up your outfits!

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