Monday, July 30, 2012

Home of …South African padkos?!

Welcome :)
Driving into Savannah, GA late in the afternoon we drove past a sign which prompted my wonderful, intelligent boyfriend to say… “Hey they have a WCTC too” (Waukesha County Technical College) “Oh, they do?” “Yeah, West Georgia…oh wait…”

I am not going to lie; I said some pretty silly things too. I just wrote down his gems so I could remember them, another one to follow…

We arrived at our hotel, went to our room and began to settle down. Almost immediately the phone in the room rang. (It is sad that flashes from horror movies come streaming into my mind when stuff like that happens?) Anyway I answered it, and the front desk had just called to tell us they could see a black bag in the hallway by our room. Tyler had left his bag outside the room, and completely forgotten about it, silly boy!

The day in Savannah, GA was spent driving around, walking around Forsyth Park and later eating. We found a South African restaurant online, and decided to give it a try. They had wors rolls, curry, rooibos tea and I was in heaven! I went a a piece of wors and a curry, Durban would be proud, cos it was a good curry! I met the owner an ex-pat from Jo’berg. Tyler tried a basic burger with an egg. I thought this was pretty standard but Tyler informed me not so much, maybe that’s why it’s called the Jo’burger.

Awesome Flag!

Yummy Durban Chow!
After filling up on yummy food we ventured out to Tybee Island, GA. We climbed a lighthouse with 178 steps. I’ll repeat that 178. Yip, I felt every single one of them! The view made it all worth it, as we had lovely scenery surrounding us, and I was able to get some good shots.
Now off to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina…

Fountains at Forsyth Park

Fragrant Garden
I think it is mighty convenient that she was able to write down everything stupid I said while being exhausted from driving, but then neglected to write down some of her best quotes. Unfortunately given I was driving I was unable to record quotes…  As for the bag miscue it was past midnight, I had been driving for 8+ hours, and I was carrying my bag, plus other bags, so the fact that I left one bag outside does not surprise me in the least. Plus on top of this I call my girlfriend the bag lady, because no matter where we go or what we are doing she somehow manages to find a way to accumulate or pack tons of bags full of stuff. I don’t know how she does it. For example I was able to bring in one bag every single night; she brought in three at the minimum. 

Tybee Island, in Georgia

The Lighthouse, GA

Lotsa steps!

The view from the Lighthouse

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