Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tourist Trap town seen from above…

Myrtle Beach is a lovely beach. It was a boardwalk and tons of shops. It is also a tourist trap. One of those places that can suck you in and you could spend all your time, and money there. Luckily for us we had time constraints and a budget that we were getting very good at sticking too. We settled for a stroll along the boardwalk, eating Italian Ice. Later we ventured onto the pier (which we had to pay $1 for…seriously?!)
We also saw the world’s smallest, and second smallest visitor’s center. This was one shop divided into two parts, feels like a cheat, but I’ll let them have it.

Lastly we went on a helicopter ride, which took us over the beach. It was my first time (that I know of) flying in a helicopter. It was totally awesome! Beginning that high up was really great way to see the city.

The view

The beach

and some more

We went in this!!!

Leaving Myrtle beach on route to Winston Salem, North Carolina I convinced Tyler to take a detour past Matthews, NC where there is a shop aptly named “The South African Shop”.

Matthews, NC

He agreed and I was ready! Biltong here I come!!! He was glad after he noticed a row of custard powder. Two bottles in hand, he was set. Biltong, droe wors, snap sticks, crème soda, appletiser, grapetiser, nougat, rusks and lemon crèmes in hand, I was set.

Next stop Winston Salem, NC!

I was really unimpressed by Myrtle Beach, given we have our own tourist trap here in Wisconsin with a lot of the same things and more I just wasn’t taken away with all the bright flashy stuff.  That being said the airplane ride was a lot of fun.

From the pier

View from the pier

Ferris wheel by the beach
It wasn’t too hard to convince me to go to the South African shop, I am always up for an adventure and once I found out that the shop closed at 5 and that with the amount of time we needed to get there we would be arriving just at 5 I was ready to take on the adventure. I love racing time and seeing if we can make it… luckily we did J

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