Thursday, July 26, 2012

And it begins…

Tyler and I planned a long road trip, 15 days, countless hours and enough miles to travel well, far – this is the story of that trip. And both of the survivors…

The survivors :)
We left Whitefish Bay once I had finished work on Thursday, the 26th. Ready to start our adventure we had snacks, water, books, audio book, arts and crafts. I suppose I should clarify that *we* means *me*.
I had randomly gone through the aisles at the library and chosen two audio books as extra entertainment for the ride. Unfortunately titles can be deceiving so we ended up 4 hours of depressing story about a car accident, and a story about a creepy teenage boy and his obsession with the head cheerleader…hmmm…
But we also had fun snacks like celery, carrots and poppy seed muffins! Braden and Finn helped me make the muffins that morning, while seeing the poppy seeds in the batter, they asked me why the muffins were dirty. That comment made me laugh. A lot!

Just to be more precise, when she says countless hours she means over 95 hours of driving all said and done, and about 8000+ KM or 5000 miles… yeah, we went a LONG way. I guess the positive to take out of that is that this is the story of two survivors… I don’t think we would have made it all that way without Robyn preparing the vehicle, we pretty much had everything needed to live out of the vehicle for two straight weeks…As for the audio books? Those could have been left at the library.

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