Saturday, July 28, 2012

Uh, ghost town?

Welcome :)
Driving into Jackson I was excited to see all this town (or city?) has to offer. Unfortunately, not much. The streets were deserted both by pedestrians and cars. I started to get the feeling like I was missing something, or maybe other people knew something I didn't. Saturday night in Milwaukee would never be that dead.
After venturing into a small underground restaurant (119 Underground) it was confirmed that there is no body in Jackson, we were the only table. We asked the waitress why the streets were dead, and she assured us that is gets ‘hip and happening’ at 8pm (it was 7pm…how hip and happening can a town get in one hour?)

Downtown Jackson, MS

Oh and Jackson, Mississippi? Yah, apparently they are not so proud of their town since we stopped at 3 petrol stations and 4 pharmacies and were unable to find any postcards. Challenged accepted Jackson…I will find some (even if it’s online.)

Pretty painting

On to Birmingham, Alabama…

Our 5 things we are thankful for today…
1)      Not being born in Jackson, Mississippi (Yip)
2)      Ahi tuna (my favourite!)
3)      Graceland tour (expensive but still interesting)
4)      Pretty Mississippi scenery (there may not be postcards…but it is beautiful)
5)      That my boyfriend went the extra mile so I could get a pic of TN and MS welcome signs (sweet guy)

As Robyn mentioned above I really don’t have much to say about Jackson because there really was nothing going on, I am still astounded by how dead their downtown area was at that time on a Saturday night. It was a bit of a buzz kill, I think the best explanation I could come up with was that it was a Saturday night and given we were in the deep southern part of the US and right in what they call the bible belt that people were getting rest before church on Sunday… However who knows…

A *something* Monument

Bye Jackson, MS

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