Friday, June 22, 2012

What’s news anyway?

So, recently I was thinking about the fact that I haven’t blogged for a while. This made me sad, but then I thought about the fact that I haven’t had much to say until…
I thought about the fact that there is so much that happens that I don’t blog because it isn’t a about a big trip or adventure…but even the small stories are fun to write about. So here goes…

I like many “Bokkie on the Move” fans am excited to see Robyn make her triumphant return to the blogosphere… unlike the many though I have additional reason to be excited, I get to once again have a forum to share my opinions with a crowd of always attentive readers… I still can’t believe she is allowing me to do this… brave woman… anyways, on with the stuff you guys care about. 

Tyler and I (in case you had forgotten what we looked like)

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