Monday, June 25, 2012

Moving, fans and boyfriends mother…

Tyler recently moved into a new apartment which means not only can he stop blaming his roommate for their messy apartment BUT it also means it’s a 4 minute drive (20 minute walk or 8 minute bike ride.) Which makes this girl very happy since previously it was a 40 minute drive (and of course I never tried to walk it.)
I offered to help which I immediately regretted when I was poked awake on Saturday morning by Tyler saying time to help me move. UGH! Really? It’s 7am!

Being a good girlfriend (or pretending to be) I woke up and got ready. We drove to his mom’s house where I was put to work directing the ladies to his new residence, where we were meant to clean before the boys packed up his apartment and moved all the stuff over. We did this pretty well with only a few interesting stories…

Firstly Tyler’s Gran was stationed at the house with us, Mary (his mom) and I decided he needed a carpet or two, so we headed to Home Depot. Mary’s instruction’s to her mom before we left? No climbing on any surfaces to clean up too high!

Which means when we arrived back, guess who had to climb on high surfaces to clean cupboard tops and windows…yip this ninja!

We realized that once the boys arrived to move everything they would probably combust from the heat in the apartment. We had been avoiding turning on the fans and had opened all the windows instead since the fan was totally gross! Completely covered in dust and way to high up for anyone to reach. So, Mary had the wonderful idea to give me a piggy back ride and I could clean them. Once we realized I was basically the same height as her when on her back, we reassessed. I would have to climb on her (my boyfriend’s mom *blush*) shoulders. This worked like a charm, we were able to turn on the fans…but have never spoken of this moment since…

After Mary and I instructed the boys to move things around, and around and one last time to make sure it looked just right and we fed them the house looked amazing and Tyler was ready for a few small extras. Like glasses and packing the cupboards. And lastly was a pesky piece of fabric wrapped around a branch outside his kitchen window. So, yes I had to ninja that away to. (By climbing out the kitchen window, onto a roof outside and hanging onto everything and anything I could…not because I was scared but because my boyfriend kept nagging me to be careful.)

I think Robyn described the highlights of this event pretty well, hard to make moving exciting, however with the help of many friends and some special ladies I am all moved and settled in and it looks amazing… I wish I had some photos, but you will have to take my word for it. I cannot thank those that helped me enough, its always great to know you have friends and family that will pitch in and help!

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