Friday, June 22, 2012

Crazy ATM experiences…

ATM machines in Wisconsin are sometimes referred to as tyme machines. This was very confusing the first time someone asked me if I knew where the closest “time” machine was. I thought they were crazy and kind of just stared at them. This probably made them think I was crazy.

I found an actual one and took a pic for you to see
I also went to a self-service ATM. This freaked me out!!! I pulled the car up (btw, these are different from the drive-up ATMs) and filled out the deposit form. Next I had to the deposit slip in a capsule, put the capsule in a huge see-thru pipe and press a button that sends the capsule to the bank…Crazy!

This is the capsule (on my lap so the lady wouldn't shout at me for taking pictures...)

The thingy that you out the capsule in, look at the green button (it's the send buton)
So… TYME use to be a Wisconsin based company that operated ATM’s, they were mainly a Midwest company and had a large logo on their machines (see below). This led to people calling them TYME machines… that being said in 2002 TYME merged with PULSE and decided to take the PULSE name, therefore eliminating all TYME machines and leaving us Wisconsinites looking like fools wandering around talking about magical ‘time’ machines that don’t really exist anymore… we have quite a few things we do here in Wisconsin that aren’t typical for the entire US, but we like it that way, we have character J

This is a cool picture Tyler found of a TYME machine

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