Monday, June 25, 2012

Payback for my mom…

You know when you have to tell your mom she is right? Or when you do something you realize is exactly what your mother would do?

Weeeeell, since the boys have figured out how to open the bathroom door. I know understand why my mom would get so annoyed with us children when we walked in/knocked on the door or shouted through the door. Finn and Braden will stand outside the door and ask me questions loud enough that I can hear something, but soft enough that I’m not sure what they are asking. This leads me to the conclusion that if I don’t answer they are going to do whatever it is (this could be very bad) or they will enter to seek their answer…neither of these sound too appealing to me.

So I have to try rush-pee, which is not fun. Just when I think I’m in the clear I hear the twisting of the handle which either means I need to wipe, stand up and button up in lightening speed or face the Spanish inquisition. Didn’t quite make it? Now you are face with “ra-ra what are you doing?” “You have blue underwear like me” and “ra-ra can I wipe for you?” (After he tears off half a square of toilet paper…)

Now I’m faced with the problem of trying to convince (usually Finn) to leave the bathroom so I can finish my business. Ugh, officially saying sorry to my mom for all those torturous bathroom visits…

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