Monday, June 25, 2012

Kids and their funny stuff…

Braden commented the other after I put his backpack on that “My bag is hurting my ankles.” I was extremely confused and asked him if he was okay. He started rubbing his shoulder and told me his bag was too heavy and made his ankles sore. I then had to explain the difference between his shoulders and his ankles (without laughing…impossible!)

Braden at swimming lessons
Finn, who loves all things blue, is particularly fond of his blue Superman shirt. I wash this shirt every Monday (since he wears it over the weekend) and every Wednesday (since he wears it on Tuesdays.) The boys are at home with me on Mondays and I usually do the laundry while they sleep, get it folded and take it up to their room once they awake up from their nap. So, every Monday they see what I have washed. Finn of course asking me “Did you wash my superman shirt?” every Monday. (Braden occasionally asks about his red Phillies Baseball shirt.) When he sees I have washed it, he remarks, “You washed my Superman shirt?! You do love me ra-ra!” As if there was any question!

Finn at the playground

Annabel it seems is a fountain of good advice. We were talking about something the other day and suddenly she looks at me and says, “There’s always good stuff to the bad stuff, Robyn can you just trust me about this?” Indeed I can…

AJ (in the spotty dress) at her school concert

During this coming Summer break the Hehir/Shillingford family is heading to Cape Cod for 2 weeks. Tyler and I are heading on a ridiculously long road trip. So the kids keep telling me they are going on a plane to the beach and asking if I’m coming with. When I tell them no, they all comment that they will miss me. So, I told them that it will be nice for them cos then they can spend time with their family…wait for it…
Annabel said “but ra-ra, you are part of our family.” Cute right, almost tears streaming at this tender moment…ya right…Braden had to break this tender moment by saying, “Yeah, youour family cos you don’t have a mom and a dad…”
So, there I was in the kitchen flipping through my facebook pictures to prove to a pair of three year olds that I do indeed have a mom and a dad…life is hard…

After a "hard" day of raking leaves

Kids see stuff the way most adults don’t so I am constantly intrigued by things they say. They started telling which friends in their class are boys and which are girls. So I asked them what I am. Braden said “you’re a girl”, and Finn said, “No, you’re a lady”, to which Annabel added, “An adult lady.” I asked them what their mom was. They informed me she was an adult lady too. So I asked what their dad was (interested to see if they see boy or man) instead they surprised me by saying, “ra-ra he’s a doctor.”
I have to say this has backfired once or twice actually. Braden hurt himself the other and usually I ask them if I need to take them to hospital or if we should call the doctor. This usually results in laughter and “no ra-ra you’re silly,” And tears stops flowing. However since Braden has figured out this whole doctor thing this no longer works since when I use this tactic Braden now says, “my dad is a doctor ra-ra,” and I’m left speechless, no tears flowing though.

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