Friday, June 29, 2012

Spontaneous is best…

A friend from South Africa recently came to visit. After asking her what she had yet to do in Wisconsin when she was an au pair here, it was determined that we would head to Wisconsin Dells.
I had previously been there in for one day in 2009 with another au pair, so I was excited to go again.
The plan was to go to a comedy show on Friday night and leave early on Saturday morning for the Dells. Tyler, Karabo and I got all ready for the comedy show, but were disappointed to realize the comedy show was closed for the weekend.

The fearsome threesome :)

Don’t worry this didn’t ruin our weekend plans instead we viewed this as a challenge. On the 10minute car ride home we planned to go home pack an overnight bag each, called and booked a hotel and were ready to head to the Dells!

Our first night we got in late and tried to get an early night since we knew Saturday would be a loooong and fun day!

Well early-ISH
Noak’s Ark is a huge waterpark ( We made a breakfast run to the nearest Mc Donalds (which just so happened to be a wooden cabin style building with a hunting lodge feel, animals on the wall and all). We then headed to the water park where we spent the better part of the day being flipped, tossed and shot down water slides, in wave pools and many other water inspired adventures.  By the end of the day I felt VERY clean and ready to attend a comedy show!

Before the show
We went to a hypnotist show that opened with a comedian. He was funny for the most part but there was one act that I found hilarious! He was talking about how men are silly, so of course I loved it! He talked about how when a guy leaves home and decides to make spaghetti one night, he suddenly realizes that he doesn't know how to make it. Then he calls his mom and asks her how to make it, below is the summary of how it goes…

Son: How do I make spaghetti?
Mother: Put it in a pot on the stove
Son: How do I know when it’s ready?
Mother: After the water has been boiling for a while you can test it *at this point he realizes he is supposed to put water in the pot WITH the spaghetti he just put on the stove*
Mother: Take a piece of spaghetti and throw it on the roof, if it sticks it’s done (but just so everyone knows, I don’t condone this method UNLESS you are going to clean it off the ceiling!)
*son now sticks his fingers into the water, burns them, and realizes he should have used a spoon even though his mom never told him too*

This made me laugh, but also reminded me of the time after I moved out the house but had to call my mom and ask her how to remove superglue from skin. Yes, I had superglued my fingers. Together!
After the comedy show was a hypnotist show, which was equally funny. Watching group ups on stage doing ridiculous things knowing that they weren’t in control was pretty funny. The hypnotist ended the show by letting the audience know that the members that had participated were very sensitive to touch on their foreheads and would experience very *good* feelings once they were touched there.

Considering that three volunteers were from a bachelor party, this just made the night even more fun. After heading to the bar next to the show, the three volunteers were basically surrounded by people constantly touching their foreheads; they were all very confused as to why this was happening, while all of us were just laughing!

The Comedy place

Breakfast on Sunday morning was at the same place we had dinner on Saturday night, before the comedy show. The restaurant is called Paul Bunyan’s it is family style, and serves amazing food.
After a drive through the Wisconsin Dells, we were homeward bound, but extremely tired and NOT ready for Monday, ugh!

That's Paul (and Karabo)

And the blue ox (and Tyler)

Wisconsin Dells was always one of the places I loved to go as a kid, we use to go every summer as a family when I was growing up, however I hadn’t been for years now that I am considered an “adult” (yes, I use that term lightly as I am really only an adult because of my age). That being said it was a great time to be able to go back, enjoy the sights, see how much it has changed, and get to enjoy the water park as if I was a kid again.

***That being said, I would like it noted that the apple did not fall far from the tree, just as in South Africa where every morning I would wake up and be told about sun screen and sun pills from Sue, I woke up in Wisconsin Dells to Robyn with multiple bottles of sun screen discussing how we need to apply, and re-apply after what felt like five minutes… So you will know that nobody was sun burnt in the making of this story. 

On the Sunday morning before we headed to 'downtown' Dells. We voted to do one more thing before heading back to Milwaukee. I chose Magic Quest, either everyone else agreed with my choice or were too tired to fight it 'cos minutes later we were headed into the Magical realm.

Basically you have to search through the building which is divided by the four element theme. There are clues as to what you are looking for, as well as word problems to sort out. I had a great time crawling around, climbing obstacles and all that, Karabo and Tyler...not so much!

By the way...I just realized it's called Wizard Quest HAHA

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