Monday, June 25, 2012

I’m dying

I was feeling really sick the other day. After work Tyler and I were supposed to go to his work event on the way there I decided it probably wasn’t the best idea to go. He was very sweet by taking me to his house and cooking me dinner, but since I was feeling sick I didn’t want to eat. He forced me anyway. Then he took me back home.

I basically got into bed at 8pm and only woke up the next morning for work, unfortunately not feeling any better. I had a fever, my throat was sore and I felt dizzy. (This story is slightly funny at the end…I promise.)
Dave asked me how I slept and how I was feeling. I told him I wasn’t feeling well, when he asked me what was wrong the fastest (flawed) response I could think of was “I feel like I’m dying.”

This would have been okay if Dave was the only one who had heard this. Unfortunately the kids were in the kitchen too, so as I walked out the room Braden said, “Daddy, help ra-ra, she is dying.” Then Finn asked “Is ra-ra going to die?” And there were many more death comments and questions throughout the morning, AJ even came to check on me and give me her teddy bear to make me better so I didn’t die. Lesson learnt, kids are more dramatic than adults…

1 comment:

  1. Especially when they think death is involved. Though I suppose it would depend on the adult, too.


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