Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scratched up, snake bites and rocks…

Then we headed to Joshua Tree, which is filled with like 70% rocks, which is why Nina renamed this National Park Joshua Rock, I however would rename it Death Wish National Park, because apparently that’s what happens to me when I go to a park that is made up of trees and rocks…

Joshua Tree, CA

After exploring most of the National Park we headed towards a giant rock pile which I thought would be a great idea to climb. It was, as I got some beautiful pictures!

Some more of Joshua Tree, CA

Me...with a Joshua Tree

When faced with the next pile I attempted the same thing. Bad idea! I managed to get stuck on the rocks! Yes, I was lying on the rocks like a beached whale on the beach (no weigh jokes…) And while in distress my “good” passenger thought it would be more fun to take pictures of me stranded on the rock than help me…nice one Nina!

Thanks Nina!

Jump shot!
My next smart move was to step on a cactus! UGH! First one was relatively easy to remove, the second one not so easy! I immediately reached down to pull it out of my foot, realized this was not smart once my fingers got stuck to the cactus that was stuck in my foot, managed to free my fingers and called to Nina to help…who straight away tried to grab the cactus, and got her fingers stuck…then I told her (once she was free of my foot cactus) to stand on the cactus so I could pull my foot away and end up cactus free! 

Joshua Tree, CA

Cactus stuck in my foot

After we managed to get rid of the cactus

Okay, this was round about the time we decided to head back to our room. Oh, and that is where I managed to whack my back on an open cupboard door when I stood up…definitely bed time for this accident prone lady.

Scratched leg...

"Snake Bite" looking injury from the cactus

Cupboard injury...

Bashed knee...

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