Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rules of a road trip…

1.) I may be wrong…but I doubt it!
2.) Riding a bike is fun, stopping a bike is a little more difficult
3.) Absolutely no undressing in National Parks (don’t ask why we had to make this rule)
4.) Don’t judge!
5.) Break the rules and you go to prison. Break the prison rules and you go to Alcatraz.
6.) If it squawks it means you are too close!
7.) Don't not feel the squirrels…or any wildlife in any National parks…(Nina)
8.) If it’s got my hair on it, it’s belongs to me.
9.) Just cos you speak a certain language doesn't mean you are from that country…(I.e. Germany)
10.)  Locking the car door protects you from; bears, snakes and Mexicans
11.) Take 2 pictures if it’s pretty…3 if it’s REAAAAL pretty
12.) Just  because they advertise parking and breakfast, it doesn't mean it’s free
13.) Austin says, “Take the motorway.”

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