Saturday, July 23, 2011

Apparently it’s comic con…who knew?!

Arriving in San Diego late at night means we are pretty wiped out by the time we pull into Ocean Beach’s parking lot. After checking in, I walked outside to check on the car and had a creepy Spanish boy sign to me and offer to make me pancakes…I promptly went straight to my room and locked the door! Nina managed to get a load of laundry washed and folded (thanks dude, like a ninja!)

The wonderful view we found the next day

Breakfast time the next morning and we hit the snooze button and decide the extra sleep is worth missing out on the free breakfast. Finally up and ready to rock we make our way to Cabrillo Point. This is a beautiful lookout point in the National Park, where there is also a monument dedicated to Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer. This was a really gorgeous Park to drive around, and there were many look out points to take amazing pictures.

Cabrillo Monument

The view from Cabrillo Point, San Diego

Then we headed to the Gaslamp Quarter, in downtown San Diego. Nina and I had not, only never heard of “Comic Con” but we had also not realized that this was the weekend when San Diego streets were flooded with comic characters, people dressed as comic characters and some people that were just plain weird.  It was okay though we still managed to see everything we had intended to see. Quote of that part of the trip “Are we the only people in the whole of San Diego who have no freaking idea what is going on?!”

Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego

Yes...a rainbow unicorn winding it's way through the streets of San Diego for Comic Con...

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