Sunday, July 17, 2011

A brief home stop, after stopping in Packers terriorty...

After breakfast at a local breakfast buffet we started to head home after a trip that would definitely be considered a success! We decided to stop in Green Bay, as it was on the way and since were in Title town we may as well do some bonding. 

Home of the Packers. WI
So lunch was enjoyed at a Packers bar called Stadium View, which was right next to Lambeau field (home of the Packers) and right in front of Brett Farve’s  Steakhouse. I even managed to spot a South African reference on the menu (South African Cod)! This is also where we watched the finals of the ladies World Cup soccer finale between the USA and Japan. Sorry USA, you were mighty close!

Lunch time in Green Bay, WI

Then the long trek home resumed, and I knew once we arrived in WI, Karabo was “home“ Tyler however still had to drive Nina and I to the airport where  we were catching a late flight to Seattle..

The street signs in Green Bay around the Stadium, WI

*Hi-lighted words are explained in the glossary page

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