Thursday, July 28, 2011

Going up North…

The morning started with a grocery store stop, which meant stocking up on fruit loops, chocolate milk and ice-cream for breakfast (shhh! Don’t tell our moms.)We entered the park through the South entrance again and drove straight to Desert view, the old watch tower.

Desert View, South Rim, Grand Canyon, AZ

After walking up winding stairs, we reached the top level where we were able to see a stunning view of the Canyon.  Magnificent view in the clouds, a rainbow! After that I knew it was going to be an amazing day.

Rainbow cloud
We continued onto the North Rim, briefly stopping at the visitor’s center (on the way there we saw some buffalo that we just hanging out in the fields), to collect a map and some info and then continuing along our chosen route to some more look out points.

Buffalo hanging out in the field, AZ

North Rim, AZ

On the way back to the hostel we realized that we were low on gas, and there were no gas stations around…after much hoping and praying we saw a little gas station on the side of the road, but before we got our hopes up, we realized they were closed! Seriously?! A lady came and told us that there was another gas station not too far away in Flagstaff, unfortunately this was in the opposite direction from our hostel, but with not wanting to risk it we took the detour…

Nina and I at the Canyon, AZ

North Rim, Grand Canyon, AZ
After many hours of driving we finally made it back to the hostel, glad that we were safe and sound.

View from Desert View, AZ

Desert View, AZ

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