Monday, July 18, 2011

Just a quick stop…

We arrived in Las Vegas and stayed as long as it takes for a foreigner to rent a teeny tiny silver chevy. Once we realized that we could fit all our stuff in the trunk, back seat and every other inch of available space, we head out to Bakersfield, CA 4 hours away. One the way we passed “Twenty mule team road” as well as “Zzyxz road” geez, who names these things?!

We are staying at the Sheraton there just for the night as a quick stopover before heading to Yosemite. We walked into the room and literally melting into our beds, ah heaven!

Sleep time, CA

After an 8am wakeup call with the plan of Nina showering so I could get an extra 15 minutes of sleep (don’t laugh, 15 minutes make a big difference!) unfortunately after Nina broke the shower (yes Nina, I blame you) that left 15 minutes for us to get a maintenance guy to fix the shower, so I could have a 2 second sprinkle. Once we were all set we headed to Boogie (our teeny tiny road trip buddy) and headed North to Yosemite National Park.

In our bathroom, CA

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