Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don’t you kick my car!

I could see the Golden Gate Bridge from where we are, and I began to get really excited! This is one of those moments you dream of but never know if it will ever actually happen. We even got to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, but I’m jumping a little far ahead in this story…

WOW! (This was taken at Carvallo Point)

First we drove through San Francisco. Where we discovered that there are way too many one ways in this city, people drive like they are possessed and if you drive too close to a pedestrian, they will kick your car…yes KICK your CAR! I mean who does that?!

Sausalito, San Fran, CA

Despite the warm welcome I discovered San Francisco is a wonderful city with plenty to offer.  Starting with a small city called Sausalito which was just over the Bridge. It is the cutest 8mile long city, with many shops along the central road called, Bridgeway. We walked up and down and then stopped when we saw a street performer with a parrot. He beckoned Nina over and asked her to not only hold the bird, but also to put a sunflower seed between her lips and feed the bird. She was freaked out but eventually agreed. I was laughing the entire, and of course documenting this momentous occasion (she carry hand sanitizer around ALL the time!) Well that was until he decided to switch roles on us and I was the one left to hold the parrot and sunflower seed.

Making friends with the birdie :)

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