Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 2 and a little sun…

The next morning I woke up to find out that Dilys (my aunt) was on route to come get me, as she had got my message that morning and had already called to make plans to get me. She showed up and after hellos, hugs and forgiveness was equally real Bahamian adventure began with a walk to the beach right in front of their house. Merle has recently started a new job so Dilys and I drove her to work, ran some errands and then went back to have lunch with Merle at a cute place close to her work. That night we had a nice family dinner outside, it was so beautiful!

On the beach

Oh, by the way the best thing about driving around today is that I realized in the Bahamas they drive on the lef side of the road. It’s crazy to see after 2 years! Although some of the people there drive like taxi drivers so there was no way I was going anywhere near a steering wheel!

Ah, South Africa :)

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