Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shoot for the stars…or the basket…

Watching basketball is not a usual past time of mine, but I’ll try almost anything new. I enjoyed the NBA game I attended last year so I jumped at Tyler’s offer to watch a college (Marquette) game with him. They were playing against St. Johns, a pretty good team. I can’t remember if they won or lost but I do remember the atmosphere and the spirit that seemed to take over the whole arena as Marquette fans clad in yellow and blue chanted “We are Marquette”. There were a few other traditions that I got to observe such as when the name of each of the starting line is announced the Marquette fans, who are facing the back each call out “Sucks” (this was one I felt bad about being part of so I kinda whispered) and the other is tearing up your ticket and throwing them in the air when the first hoop is shot. There is a skill to this, it’s tear up your ticket, wait for the shot, throw your ticket in the air…then cover your drink!

Marquette game

A friend of mine, Leann had spare tickets to a Bucks game, she asked Karabo (an au pair from South Africa), Tim and I to come to the game with her. The game itself was not all that interesting however…we did see a guy from the Denver Nuggets get in the…nuggets…which although I did feel pretty bad for him, it was a little funny. Then we witnessed a guy run across the basketball court and get stopped by the security men after they ran across the court to get him. And lastly Leann and I were caught dancing on the jumbotron (the big giant screens the show the game and fans) it was pretty fun!

Bucks vs Nuggets

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