Saturday, February 26, 2011

A little place called Nashville…

Back in December when I was in Boston,  I met some of Sue and Alric’s friends. One of their friends had a nephew from Nashville, we spoke a lot and I told him I was planning to go Nashville at some part in my American adventure. He offered to show me around if we ever did manage to meet up in Nashville.

Downtown Nashville
My host parents gave me what was left of my vacation at the end of February, early March. I contacted Philip and made plans to visit Taylor Swift’s home town. I flew into Nashville early on Saturday morning, meeting Philip at the airport. He drove me downtown and we parked the car so we could walk around and see all the cute shops and pretty buildings in Nashville. We went for lunch at a quiet spot called Bosco, and later headed out to Percy Warner Park, where it was a beautiful day.  It was crazy to see some of the buildings there, some are so cute and quaint…and some are definitely not!

The Parthenon (in Nashville)
That night we attended a farewell for two of the guys that worked as interns at Ernst & Young. One of the guys was a South African, so I was pretty excited about going out and meeting someone from back home J We went for drinks at Sambuca and then moved onto Mai for a little dancing. Fun times in Nashville!

At Percy Warner Park
Sunday morning was a lazy day as I didn’t have much to do, before making my way to the airport, where I would soon be heading for the Bahamas, and my next adventure…

So long Nashville...

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