Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flight delays and making new friends…

My flight from Fort Lauderdale, FL -> Bahamas was delayed, and I’m not talking about a few minutes or even an hour, I’m talking hours! I had to get back in the ticketing line because I had switched airlines (to BahamaAir) The line in front of me could only be described as ridiculous! After finding out that there were two flights headed towards the Bahamas (mine and one going to Freeport) leaving within 30mins of each other. Somehow I don’t think this is very good planning on the airlines part.

I just kept thinking of images like this...
I probably managed to chat to almost everyone in line while waiting around. I even met a group of guys who are part of the Bahamian rugby team! They were all really nice guys. Finally at the front of the line, I was super excited! I kept telling everyone “We are going to the Bahamas” Most people in the line told me they didn’t know how I could stay so positive after waiting in a queue for 4hours. I just told them “we are going to the Bahamas! :D”

This is where I wanted to be!
Once in front of the ticketing lady I handed in all in important information hoping this would be a relatively quick process…Famous last words I guess. She started to process everything and then stopped to ask for my return flight. I gave for the time, date and airline information (not printed out though) which apparently is not good enough and you need to show them the ticket.

Still thinking about the beach :)

At a lost I turned to my new “friends” and asked if anyone had a itouch, blackberry or iphone (since I am not part of the smart phone generation, and rather part of the I’m an au pair and my host family pay for my phone…so I have a text message machine that answers calls, and not much else generation.) Thank goodness for the guy behind me who pulled out  an ipad and asked if it would help. Dude, you totally rock! After pulling up my ticket and showing ms ticket lady she smiled and handed me my ticket. YAH!

And images like this...
I ran to the boarding gate, to discover they were holding the plane til all the remaining passengers were ready to board, So I sat around and spoke to the rugby guys again. Then I found out that one of them had gone to school with my cousin (Merle) who I was on my way to visit, what are the chances?

An actual drive in the Bahamas

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