Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bay Street and P.I bridge…

Today I walked, and walked and walked…I went along Bay street, where the famous straw markets are. It sort of reminded me of going to the little markets in India. A lot of the same stuff, a lot of bargaining but definitely fun! I saw some really pretty buildings and found out the all government pink are painted pink, hmmm, my kind of city for sure!

Just Sayin'
I walked over the bridge the closes the gap between Nassau and Paradise Island (the P.I bridge) which gave me some amazing sights of the two places.  I got a couple of pics before reaching the otherwise, where I caught a ferry that took me back to where I had started. Diyls picked me up and we went home to have another fabulous family dinner, I could get used to this!

Atlantis, over the PI bridge
Later on Merle and I went out to the Green Parrot, where our now mutual acquaintance Patrick was working, unfortunately that was his night off. However the view from the restaurant is so beautiful, it was totally worth it.

A pic from my walk around town/Bay Street

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