Thursday, February 24, 2011

Clowning around…

It’s been a while since I visited the circus, but I figured why not. Plus it’s the American circus, so I wanted to see what if anything made their circus different from ours. Well the list I’m afraid is pretty short…there were elephants, tigers, dogs, clowns, a strongman, acrobats and all the usual circus fare, just like ours. However the few things that really stood out to me were the “fairies” hanging from long sheets of fabric suspended from the roof dancing in time to “fireflies” by owl city as well as the human cannonball, yip I saw a man with enough courage to get into a cannon that shot him from one end of the arena to the other side, there was a huge net that caught him once his dangerous fete was complete. Crazy I tell ya!

Human cannonball man

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