Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sometimes there are angels around…

Arriving at the airport much later than expected, I rushed to fill out the various visitors forms, (from the help of Patrick, since he knew more about Merle than I did) hoping that my family hadn't waited too long for me to arrive. I got my luggage and headed out.

Welcome to the Bahamas
Waiting around for family members that I was a little worried I might not recognize after 10 years, in a foreign country, with no cell phone reception…not something I’d like to repeat again! After a while I realized I should probably try to call them, so I managed to connect my laptop to the internet, and facebook stalk them…only to see no one’s number on FB, the company my uncle works for, but not much else. So I sent a few emails and FB messages with the hopes of reaching them. I then tried to google their phone number, which I never found.

I saw a few taxi cabs, but realized I didn’t know their address. Yes, let this be a warning to you to always have the phone number and address of the place you are staying at printed and kept with you when you are travelling (also your return ticket if you are travelling abroad) I wandered around for a while before coming to the conclusion that I had been *sob* forgotten.

This is where your survival instinct kicks in and you begin to access the situation and decide what the best option would be. There was an elderly man, who I had seen walking up and down looking for someone and we eventually got talking, he was waiting for his wife to come in from Miami. He helped me to look for Mike and Dilys’ number on another internet site. After a while he decided it might be best if he went home to see if his wife had called to say what time she was getting in. He offer to give me a lift to where ever I needed to go, and also offered me the flat on his property as a “home away from home” for the night if I needed it.

At this point I decided that would rather take my chance with one elderly man than the groups that were now congregating around the airport (past midnight.) We drove back to his house, where he had a voicemail from his wife about her cancelled flight. He let me use the internet to send another email to my family with his street address, name and phone number in the hopes of meeting up with them the next day.

He showed me to “my own” flat, which had an amazing sea view! It was a really cute place, but by this stage I was just ready to hit the sack…zzzz on my first night in the Bahamas…Thank you Mike Parnell

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