Sunday, February 6, 2011

It’s like a world cup…only it’s American…

Yip, Super Bowl time is here at last and this year it’s really special cos the Packers have made it! They are playing against the Pittsburgh Steelers so there is no background music of Wiz Khalifa’s ‘Black and Yellow” being playing in Green Bay territory but rather the new version of “Green and Yellow” and now that song is stuck in your head, for that I apologize.

Green and Yellow and Green and Yellow...and Pink LOL
We decided to get together on the Saturday before the Super Bowl as most of us were planning on watching the game together on Sunday. We had a Packer themed party complete with wall decorations and Packer paper plates. (That could have turned out to be a tricky little tongue twister if I had carried on)

Pre Super Bowl Party
We even had a beer pong league going on, so we broke into teams of 2, choose Teams names and everything! Tyler and I joined to become "Team Spongebob" aka "Team Awesome" we did not win, however we did not completely suck, but that's just cos I had a skilled partner.

Yip, Spongebob sweatbands!
The morning after our pre-Super Bowl party a few of us went to movies, and later headed to T.G.I Fridays, where we were meeting up with about 10 other au pairs. The foreigners brought the team support by showing up in various shades of green and yellow, with various “G” imprinted items.

Au Pairs at the Super Bowl Party
I’m going to give you a pretty non-useful but descriptive play by play of the night as I saw it. Christina Aguilera flubbed part of the National Anthem…on National TV. There were a few other songs sung by other artists (EG: Lea Michelle from Glee.) They started the game a bunch of men ran after a little ball, and people got really excited, when the ball was turned over, they switched giving the other part of their team a turn (either the defense or offence.) We scored which means a jell-o shot. More game time…another jell-o shot.

Jell-O shot through a straw
The Black Eyed Peas did the half time show which is a really big deal. Also the adverts during the Super Bowl are meant to be the funniest/best ads, it is super expensive to purchase ad time then. You can check out this link to see some of the better ones…

All the ladies :)
A few more jell-o shots (Rayson, this reminded me of the champagne jell mom made you one year) more game time…and finally an end result of 31 – 25, and the Green Bay Packers are Super Bowl XLV champions!

Super Bowl 2011 Baby!

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