Thursday, February 10, 2011

Names like ‘Becky the Butcher’ and ‘Carrie. A Hacksaw’…

Wouldn't you love a nickname that would literally strike fear into the average human being? Sure why not…or maybe not! Names like these are created for women of the Roller Derby (think scenes from the movie “whip it”.) What the derby is, is basically there are two teams that skate (on roller skates) around a marked oval course, sounds easy huh?

This kinda explains it
There are blockers, jammers and the pivot. The two jammers (one from each team) start the jam (which is a two minute period) by racing around the oval, the first one around becomes the ‘lead jammer’. The object is to past the lead jammer or to maintain status of lead jammer for as long as possible in the jam session, you score points by passing the members of the opposite team. Oh yes, did I forget to mention the rest of the team is also going around the oval rink with you trying to block you, 3 blockers and a pivot in all.

In a jam session
All this makes it an interesting sport to watch as well as a little confusing and maybe a little scary. All in all it was a fun day enjoyed by the group of us. In case I haven’t quiet explained the sport enough or you feel like a little more research, feel free to check out I’m sure this will do a far better job then what I can.

Yellow and Black wins! (Crazy 8's I think)

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