Friday, December 30, 2011

Simba, Nala and friends…

We (well I) drove to the Lion Park, ready to see some lions. What we weren’t expecting to see were elephants…up really close. To say I was molested by an elephant would be 100% correct. We saw the elephants and pulled up to the side of the road. There caretakers told us we could touch them if we wanted to, not that we had much choice…Once the elephants smelt the apples we were eating they were happy to stick their trunks in through the windows and slobber all over us. Elephant snot…yuck!

Why hello Mr Elephant...

Awfully close huh?

... and the aftermath of an Elephant encounter

After our close encounter, which was a totally amazing experience even with the muddy wetness from their trunks, we headed to the lion section. Seeing the lions out in the wild is fun but a little scary too. You realize how much wild there really is out!

I know you are signing "the circle of life..."

After these fun animal sighting adventures we headed back to the South Coast. Briefly stopping at my high school so I could show Tyler and Tamara a little of my “history.”

Me! and my school!

The elephant experience was incredible, luckily for me I got to touch the elephant, but it much preferred the ladies in the car so I avoided the muddiness. I also got to keep my apple J … The Lion park was cool, a little bit intimidating, but a neat experience to get that close… 

Yip...a little scary!

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