Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Germany…I’m here…

After two flights and hours of sitting in a confined space we arrived in Germany, and I exited the plane with excitement. This is a chance for me to stretch my legs as well as take in a little of Europe. An au pair friend of mine (Nina) had arranged to have her two best friends (who I had previously met when they visited her in the USA) pick me up from the airport. I walked out the baggage claim area and immediately saw two friendly faces and welcomes signs.

Cute houses in Germany (the right one is Nina's)

After gathering me and my carry on luggage, they loaded me in the car and drove me to Nina’s parent’s house. Once there (and after the preliminary hugs and hellos) I headed to the shower to wash off my hours of shared airspace. Next we sat down to a fabulous German made meal, which was awesome since it wasn’t airplane food and it wasn’t served in little boxes on a plastic tray.

Yummy Food!

Paddi and Steffi decided I needed to see Mainz. We drove around and I was able to see the city a bit. We parked the car and walked around, which was perfect as it was a lovely crisp day.  I’m not going to lie, I cannot remember the names of everything I saw, but my favourite part was the Christmas market. The smell of Gluehwein wafting through the crowd, happy family outings and amazing Christmas lights sparkling brightly added to my Christmas excitement.

Pretty Lights

After a brief stop into Paddi and Steffi’s old school (Mary Ward High School) and after seeing the classrooms, gardens and a few more buildings, we headed back to Nina’s house where I had a surprise waiting for me. I walked in the door walking about the sights I had seen when suddenly Sophie popped out!!! She had driven all the way just to say hi. It was so great to see her again, in her own country.

Spending time with Sophie

Once we had had some catching up time, it was time for me to say goodbye once again. Nina’s mom and I climbed on the train, which was a mission in itself as we had some trouble getting the ticket machine to work, and since it was in German…I was of no use.

I only took this picture because this is the LONGEST German word I saw in  Germany!

German do with fire fighting?

Once at the airport and through security (which I will discuss in a later post) I was glad to be on my next adventure, heading towards my continent, my country and my crazy friend Karabo!!!

Paadi, Me, Mrs Schaefer and Steffi

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