Monday, December 26, 2011

The *real* Peacock story...

Once everyone had left I offered to take Tyler on a drive of the coast from Margate to Southbroom and back through Margate to Uvongo. As we entered Southbroom and headed towards the beach we passed a troop of monkeys. I stopped the car and we took a bunch of monkey pictures. A few of them even had their babies firmly attached to their tummies.


Driving back to my house I spotted the resident peacock that lives on our block. I slowed down and Tyler opened the window to snap a few pics. Not long after that the peacock let out the loudest screech ever. While typing this post I was googled “what noise does a peacock make?”  I was unsure of what the actual description of the noise was.  This was the best description I found “something between an industrial buzzer and the bray of a donkey.” (If you are still curious…and I’m warning you, click on this
Anyway, so where were we? Oh, yeah so the peacock noticed the attention we were giving it and slowly began to approach the car window, at this point Tyler started yelling to me to drive away as he was starting to close the window. By this stage I am doubled over laughing so hard that there was no way I could have driven away. He was not impressed; I took a full 5 minutes to calm to finally drive the two blocks to my house.

The *offending* animal

Oh the wonderful peacock story surfaces again. As it pertains to the re-telling of this story I feel that she has severely underplayed the pace at which this foul (pun intended) bird was approaching the vehicle. I can attest that, “loudest screech ever” is an accurate description though. I hadn’t ever been attacked by a peacock, but I have been bitten by a goose, and they are mean birds. I was not about to tangle with this creature. That being said the story of “when peacocks attack” has seemed to have been a popular story of my visit to South Africa, one that I have been reminded of repeatedly. I am ok with that though, I know how the story went down, and I can live with it. (Screaming like a little girl…LOL)

Tyler and I

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